RISE 2010 Summer School
As I write this, I am ready to drive to the airport in Salvador de Bahia, Brasil, to return home from the
RiSE 2010 summer school. This was a really cool event. As you can see from the
program, I was surrounded by a couple of really interesting people: Krzyzstof Czarnecki, Don Batory and Ira Baxter. All of them have worked for a long time in product lines, DSLs and program transformation. I don't know how much the participants learned from me, but I learnt *a lot* from the other speakers. It is a lot of fun to interact with these folks - too bad, that the opportunities to do this are so rare :-(
So, thanks Eduardo for organizing this and for inviting me, and thanks to Krzyzstof, Don and Ira for a really nice time and many great discussions - and a lot of inspiration for future work :-)