RISE 2010 Summer School
As I write this, I am ready to drive to the airport in Salvador de Bahia, Brasil, to return home from the
RiSE 2010 summer school. This was a really cool event. As you can see from the
program, I was surrounded by a couple of really interesting people: Krzyzstof Czarnecki, Don Batory and Ira Baxter. All of them have worked for a long time in product lines, DSLs and program transformation. I don't know how much the participants learned from me, but I learnt *a lot* from the other speakers. It is a lot of fun to interact with these folks - too bad, that the opportunities to do this are so rare :-(
So, thanks Eduardo for organizing this and for inviting me, and thanks to Krzyzstof, Don and Ira for a really nice time and many great discussions - and a lot of inspiration for future work :-)
This Developer's Life (Podcast)
Many of you podcast listeners might have heard about
This American Life. It is a very well produced podcast by NPR where each episode covers a specific topic with several mostly true stories, interspersed with music. Many people consider it one of the best radio shows/podcasts ever, and it has won several awares.
Now there is something similar for software developers:
This Developer's Life. Same style, same production value, but with stories about software development.
Different than all other software podcasts, but nonetheless (or maybe because of that) very much worth listening to.
And hats off to Rob Conery and Scott Hanselman for producing this. Being a podcaster myself, I know how much work goes into producing something like this! I hope they have the time and energy to keep it going :-)