Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Working with itemis

Starting December 2008, itemis and I will work together, opening a new itemis office in Stuttgart. There, we will focus (surprise, surprise!) on MDSD, DSLs, software architecture and product lines. Itemis is a leading service provide in those spaces, and there are a lot of synergies between us.

So why am I doing this? First and foremost, I need a way to scale my own work. Working alone, I am not able to help my customers actually implement the stuff I am "consulting" them about. So, by working with a company like itemis, there's a group of people that I can work with.

But of course there's also the opposite: working alone, it is not easy to evolve my own thinking. That's one of the main reasons I go to so many conferences. It is a way to talk to, discuss with and learn from other bright people in my spaces of interest. Working with the folks at itemis, I expect some of the same effects.

Of course, itemis is also a major contributor to Eclipse Modeling and openArchitectureWare (the team in Kiel, the recent cooperation with Ed Merks), so I am hoping to revamp my active involvement in openArchitectureWare.

Another reason for working together is that I want to reduce my travel. We are planning to build a team in Stuttgart which I will lead. I will continue to travel, working with customers, but at a reduced level. I will spend time with the team in Stuttgart, too.

Finally, together we also have plans for eLearning and using podcasts for online education. Needless to say I am eager to explore these areas, since podcasting and audio education is something I am very passionate about - see Software Engineering Radio

So, if you want to join us in Stuttgart, let me know... we are obviously looking for a few team members.
great news, markus,
seems that itemis did some good decisions last months with the lab in kiel, ed merks and now your team in stuttgart.
wish you good luck and much time for great ideas in the oAW area !
Well, I surely wish you all the luck you can have and enjoy the new challenges! I think it is the right decision to make.
Hi Markus!

I never expected that you would join us. The more surprised and excited I am now to have you in the team. I think you can now reach even more with our team and I am eager to work with you more closely in the future.

Oh no. No one told me I'd have to work with you! Just kidding. I'm sure many good things will come from closer collaboration!!
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