It's Summertime!
Summer has come in Germany. Well, sort of. I have my own definition of what constitutes summer:
Summer is the time of year during which I spend my free time in my sailplane. Based on that definition, summer has come yesterday when I took my plane from winter storage. Today, the weather was actually quite nice, considering that it's only March 10. The
flight I did today is clearly nothing special, but it was the first flight after five months when there was really good thermals - resulting in an extended flight rather than just going up and gliding down again.
Flying is really the most wonderful thing you can do on this planet. I motored over the clouds where the sight was really beautiful (no, I didn't take my camera, but you can see similar photos
here). So if you don't know what to do in your spare time, go get a gliding license and become a member in a flying club. Or at least visit them and get a "passenger flight" once - make sure it's not just 10 minutes.
Anyway. Just thought I'd let you participate in the joys of a sailplane nut :-)