Tutorial Acceptance @ OOPSLA 2006
I was just notified, that the tutorial, that
Doug Schmidt and I submitted to the OOPSLA 2006 conference has been accepted. It is called
Model-Driven Development of Distributed Systems. Here's the abstract:
Despite advances in standard middleware platforms, it is hard to develop software for distributed systems, such as airplanes, power grids, and patient monitors. For example, developers still use ad hoc means to develop, configure, and deploy applications and middleware, due to the lack of analyzable and verifiable building block components. Model-Driven Development (MDD) has emerged as a promising means to address these issues by combining domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) with generators that analyze certain aspects of models and then synthesize various artifacts, such as source code, simulation inputs, XML deployment descriptions, or alternative model representations.
This tutorial provides an overview over MDD for distributed systems, focusing on
• Fundamental concepts of MDD
• How MDD tools and metamodeling typically work
• The role of code generation and model-to-model transformation
• Frameworks and DSMLs, which are two sides of the same coin
• How MDD can be used to improve and manage software architecture
• Applying MDD to component-based distributed systems
• Deploying and configuring middleware and applications using MDD
Many of the topics mentioned above will be introduced using examples and case studies from production distributed systems. Wherever possible, we'll show live demos of using MDD tools in the tutorial.
This is really going to be an interesting tutorial, so please tell everybody, come to OOPSLA and visit our tutorial :-)