Model-Driven Development - From Frontend to Code
Model Driven Development is not just about code generation. In fact, coming up with good graphical or textual editors for your DSL is a major challenge. However, using tools such the Eclipse Graphical Modelling Framework as well as the openArchitectureWare textual editor generator this is now changing. A have posted a
slide deck (built for
JAX together with
Sven Efftinge and
Bernd Kolb) that shows these two components in action. After developing an editor for a DSL we extend this example by developing transformers and code generators for the models built using the editors. We will also add live validation functionality to the editors.
This closes the chain from frontend to code; an example for a complete Open Source MDSD tool chain. So if you're interested in MDSD, you
have to look at these slides, that stuff is pretty cool.
This is can also be seen as an answer to
MetaCase's Steven Kelly's recent blog entry where he claims that the Open Source community is not really interested in building high-quality DSL tools. I think, I have to disagree on that... The open source community is catching up. Maybe slowly, but steadily :-)