GPCE Tutorial on DSLs with Eclipse & oAW
I got another tutorial accepted, this time at GPCE, the conference for
Generative Programming and Component Engineering. Here's the abstract:
DSLs are an important aspect of Model-Driven Software Development. Since DSLs are specific to a certain domain, it is the domain architect’s task to define and implement DSLs so that application developers can use the DSLs to configure or otherwise describe systems. In this tutorial, participants will learn how to:
• Define metamodels that form the basis for a DSL
• Define a graphical syntax for the DSL
• Verify the correctness of models wrt. to the metamodel that underlies them
• Write transformations that transform models into executable code
To do all this, we will use tools and technologies from the Eclipse platform. These include EMF for metamodelling, GMF for building graphical editors as well as openArchitectureWare for verifying and transforming models, and to generate code.
The focus will be on the graphical editor and code generation.
The tutorial will be highly interactive with only a minimum of slides, many live presentations show the tools at work.