The same procedure as every year: OOP 2006 conference
Last week I had been at the OOP conference in Munich. As always, it was a lot of un, meeting many friends and colleagues. It's like a "family meeting" at the beginning of a new year :-)
My own talks have been received quite well, feedback was very good.
I have been to a number of interesting talks. Actually, I have been to more talks this year than in the years before. I'd like to mention a couple of especially interesting ones. I have been to Kai Tödter's J2ME Action Game Development session. That was really funny, and developing these games seems quite straight forward. Another interesting session was Steffen Schaefer's presentation on embedded, distributed, pervasive computing, discussing technologies such as RFID, Zigbee and mobile satellite phones. Also, Axel Uhl's talk on MDSD, MOF and OCL was very interesting. It was cool to get some ideas about how SAP approaches the MDSD topic. Also, Axel has a very good (and sometimes) funny way of presenting, so if you ever have a chance to see a talk of his, go there. It was interesting to see that all the other MDSD/MDA-Speakers have been to that talk, too :-)
The biggest hype this year was - guess? - SOA. I have tried to go to several talks but had a really hard time staying there. I really have problems in seeing what differentiates SOA from well-done component architectures. Is it XML based data description? Web-Serivces for communication? Asynchronous communication? Or even the magic word "business driven"? All of the above? Don't know, and nobody can answer this question ... I think the upcoming SCA standard changes this, but there was no talk about this topic. Maybe I'll have to submit one next year :-)