openArchitectureWare 4 Progress
The new version of openArchitectureWare is getting along nicely. The EMF examples already work. The adaptation layer for oAW 3 projects is also almost finished, only the template editor cannot yet cope correctly with the oAW-Metaclass convention (missing "get" in getters and such). The Wombat and Expand languages have had their underlying infrastructure as well as the expression language standardized. The Recipe Framework also progresses (almost) as planned; so we will have a reasonable number of checks when we release, at least for the Java world (and of course this can be extended for other languages).
We will also get another interesting contribution. And that is a generic model explorer/editor. Using this Eclipse plugin, you can browse, search and modify and oAW model, classic or EMF. In later revisions, you'll also be able to customize the UI for this browser, based on Eclipse Forms.
Also, we will provide a reasonable amount of documentation by the end of January 2006 (which is our de-facto release date for version 4, final). The milestone one on Dec. 15 will probably be met.