News on the book on Model-Driven Software Development
As you might know, we are currently working on the english translation of the
german book on Model-Driven Software Development. We will actually rework several parts, including a discussion of Software Factories, a new Case Study exemplifying cascaded MDSD, some more stuff on MDSD and Component-Based Development, and a section on MDSD and SOA.
What will become especially interesting is the section on Model-to-Model Transformations. We had asked
Simon Helsen to write a small section on QVT. What he delivered was a 27 page discussion of QVT including an extensive example. While this is of course not a complete tutorial for QVT, it is certainly a good introduction and will be a highlight of the english version of the book.
By the way, Wiley and
Amazon says it will be released by May 2006 :-)