Language Workbench Competition 2011 Workshop
Code Generation 2011 we had the first of (hopefully a series of) workshops for comparing language workbench tools as part of the
Language Workbench Competition. The workshop was a lot of fun and very educational. If you want a summary, take a look at
Johan den Haan's summary, or at the very intensive
Twitter Live Coverage.
Hopefully to be repeated! Best workshop in a long time!
MPS 2.0 Milestone 5 is out
MPS 2.0 M5 is out, the
New and Noteworthy is available. The highlight certainly is the debugger support for debugging MPS with MPS. This obviously helps you track down problems in your language. M5 also comes with a type system tracer that helps you better understand the unification that's used to calculate types.
One more Milestone, and the final release should be out end of June or beginning of July. Great stuff :)
Video: 500 km mit dem Segelflieger um Nurnberg
Ich habe mir ja kürzlich eine
HD 170 gegönnt, um ein paar Flug-Videos zu machen. Auf
dieser Seite habe ich die (Youtube) Videos verlinkt. Am spannendsten ist sicher der (25-teilige) Flug um Nürnberg. Da habe ich so ein bischen erzaehlt wie so ein Überlandflug funtktioniert. Viel Spaß beim ankucken :-)
Xtext Typesystem Framework 2.0
I have just released a beta version of the
Xtext Typesystem Framework, version 2.0. It is compatible with version 2.0 of
Xtext. I am thankful to
Achim Demelt who did the port to Xtext 2.0. What I did in the meantime was adding a textual DSL to specify the typing rules:
The DSL provides a more concise syntax, as well as static error checking for a bunch of typical errors. Get it :-)
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This is
Markus Voelter's Blog. It is not
intended as a replacement for my
regular web site, but rather as a companion that contains
ideas, thoughts and loose ends.