DSL Unconference - Einladung
Am 18./19. Februar findet in einem schönen Hotel in der Mitte Deutschlands (Details folgen :-)) eine zweitätige kleine Unconference (Open Space) rund um DSLs statt. Die Idee ist: miteinander reden, philosophieren, diskutieren, demonstrieren, coden, voneinander lernen - rund um DSLs, intern und extern. Also Dinge wie: Scala, Groovy, Ruby, Eclipse, MPS, Parser, etc.
Das ganze ist keine Schulung, jeder Teilnehmer muss etwas beitragen! Wir versuchen die Kosten so niedrig wie möglich zu halten, aber Seminargebühr und Hotel werden wohl trotzdem so zwischen 200 und 250 EUR werden, denke ich.
Ich organisiere das ganze zusammen mit Stefan Tilkov. Wer Lust hat, mitzumachen,
melde sich bitte ASAP bei mir. Dabei bitte angeben, was ihr vorstellen/diskutieren wollt.
Java Language Days auf der JAX
At next year's JAX conference there will be a two-day special track on new and interesting languages on the JVM (see
here). The days are organized by Dierk König and myself. We still have free slots, as well as a budget to invite people. So please
let me know who you want to hear speak at this event.
Software Engineering Method and Theory
SEMAT is an initiative that wants to
support a process to refound software engineering based on a solid theory and best practices.This certainly sounds interesting. If they can keep it relevant for practitioners, this is certainly interesting to follow.
SEACON 2010 - Call for Speakers
The 2010 edition of the
SEACON is in the process of being prepared (I am on the PC, this is why I blog about it :-)). The conference, taking place on June 28 and 29 in Hamburg, focusses on Interaction Design, Communication, Domain-Oriented Software Development and Test Automation. So, I encourage you to
take a look at the CfP and submit something!