Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am on Twitter now!

I gave up my resistence. You can follow me at @markusvoelter.
Friday, April 24, 2009

Practical Product Lines 2009

Mark Dalgarno, the "curator" of the Code Generation website and conference has created a new conference on product lines. In contrast to SPLC it is intended to be much more practice-oriented (hence the title). It will happen in October in Amsterdam.

If it will as good as the Code Generation conference - which I am certain it will - then this is certainly going to be worth attending.

My DSL Devcon Talk is online

The video of my talk on Textual DSLs and Code Generation with Eclipse Tools is now available. Since I had only 45 minutes I had to compress things down quite a bit, making it a very brief and succinct presentation about the topic.

JAX 2009 slides online

The slides from my talks at JAX 2009 are now online.

Intentional Update, II

I guess I have to be a little bit clearer.

In case you wondered why I have been so enthusiastic about what Intentional is doing, you really need to watch this video. It's the kind demo I always wanted them to give while I was working with them - at that time they felt the system wasn't ready.

Now they actually show (to a reasonable extent) how their stuff works. I have seen much of this before and couldn't talk about it, now you see a lot of it in this video.

If you're into DSLs, you *have* to watch this video. It clearly shows the potential. Give ISC a little bit more time to polish the system, and this is going to be a revolution!

Intentional Update

As you know (if you read my blog) I was at the DSL Devcon last week. Among other things, the Intentional guys gave a demo (video here) of their Intentional Domain Workbench. At the time of the demo I was already on the way to the airport, but they gave me a private update about what has changed since I stopped working with them. In the meantime they have released version 1.0 (to their customers) and I have seen quite a bit of progress since when I left. Nice!

Instead of describing some of the details myself, I recommend you read Martin Fowler's blog post on this topic. As usual, he does a much better job than what I would do, so I defer to him.
Friday, April 17, 2009

SPLC 2009 Tutorial: Using Domain Specific Languages for Product Line Engineering

I am happy to announce that I got a tutorial accepted for SPLC 2009: Using Domain Specific Languages for Product Line Engineering

Domain specific languages together with code generation or interpreters (a.k.a. model driven development) are becoming more and more important. Since there is a certain overhead involved in building languages and processors, this approach is especially useful in environments where a specific set of languages and generators can be reused many times. Product lines are such an environment. Consequently, the use of DSLs for SPLE is becoming more relevant.

However, to exploit DSLs in the context of product lines there is more than
just defining and using languages. This tutorial explains the differences as
well as commonalities between MDD and in SPLE and shows how the two approaches can be combined. Topics include when to use configuration over customization, how to combine domain specific languages and feature modeling, and how to build variability into code generators as an additional means of implementing variability.

All the concepts will be illustrated with open source tools based on Eclipse.

Microsoft DSL DevCon

I am currently at the Microsoft DSL DevCon. It's actually a quite nice and interesting gathering that provides a very good overview over many things DSL. From Oslo and M to internal DSLs in Groovy and F# to Eclipse Modeling and oAW (my talk :-)). The audience seems to be quite well versed in terms of DSL. Although travelling to the US for two days is a bit insane, I think it was worth it! Thanks Chris for inviting me :-)
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Workshop: Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE 2009)

If, like myself, you are convinced the model-driven development and product line engineering go together really well, they you should consider the following two things: (1) going to SPLC this year, and (2) submitting a paper and participating in the MAPLE 2009 workshop.

It will certainly be a great workshop!

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