Wednesday, April 26, 2006

News on the MDSD Book

Today I received the advance copies of the book. So they are actually printed, at least five of them :-). There's now also an updated official publication date. The book will be available on May 19.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Interview on

In an interview on I talk about model-driven software development and openArchitectureWare. I explain some of the history of the tool, typical steps you need to go through when using oAW, how to use oAW in legacy migration project, places where oAW is used and generally, about the challenges of introducing MDSD into a development organization. Check it out here.
Saturday, April 15, 2006

New Presentations online

In preparation for the upcoming conference season, I am working on a couple of new talks (yes, most of them are really new, not just the same old stuff with a new name :-)).

One of the presentations takes a look at SOA, and more specifically, how SOA can benefit from using Model-Driven Software Development.

The other one takes a look at representing variabilities in code. The presentations includes looks at Patterns, AOP (AspectJ und CAESAR/J) as well as Ruby. Of course, MDSD can also be used, but I have talked about this one enough already :-)

Note that although the abstracts on the web pages are in German, the slides are - as always - in English.
Thursday, April 13, 2006

openArchitectureWare 4.0 Final released

After a long and tedious process of adding small, necessary features and fixing bugs that started end of January this year, we have now finally released the final version of openArchitectureWare 4.0. So if you didn't play with it yet, now is the time to get your hands on it!

Of course, development will not stop with 4.0. We have a number of interesting features in the queue, and, a couple of months from now, 4.1 will certainly be another even cooler tool for model-driven software development.
Thursday, April 06, 2006

It's Summertime

Well, not quite. But it's certainly not winter anymore. So, I can now spend my weekends and other spare time doing other things than writing papers, working on openArchitectureWare and editing episodes for Software Engineering Radio. So for the next five months, I'll be working a bit less, write fewer Blogs, fewer articles, etc. You'll probably see more "output" from me at OLC, the soaring online contest. Happy Summertime :-)

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